@philosophyminis: You have changed. From the day that you were born, as well as from the moment you started to watch this video, you have changed. There is nothing about you or the world which stays still. The universe is constantly moving and you will never be able to do the same thing, in the same way, ever again. This is how the #philosopher #Heraclitus saw the world, and he argued that all things in the universe are in ‘flux.’ Nothing stands still, but everything is moving and changing. There is no ‘being,’ only ‘ #becoming .’ Our bodies are constantly metabolizing, the world is always spinning, and light is bouncing off everything. This raises two problems. The first is to do with #identity. What does it mean to say that my wife is the same wife today as she was yesterday? And the second problem is to do with repeatability. Heraclitus famously wrote that we can never step into the same river twice, because neither you nor the river are the same. If this is true, we can never do anything again. To resolve this, Heraclitus used the analogy of fire. A #fire is constantly flickering and dancing, yet we still say it's a fire. The fire, like the universe, takes form when viewed as a changing totality. He argued that the only things not subject to change and flux are the processes of the universe, which he calls the ‘ #logos .’ But there is also an #existential element to Heraclitus, because we will never relive this exact moment ever again. Who you are today and what you're doing right now will never in the history of the universe happen again.
Jonny Thomson
Region: GB
Monday 16 December 2024 14:46:42 GMT
DaveMng :
we don't die in a single day.
2024-12-16 18:00:15
°julfy° :
you are the one of the reasons why I am very happy that I learned English
2024-12-16 20:48:01
አዪባቸሬ :
I adore from distant country of Ethiopia ❤
2024-12-16 17:54:38
godfrey :
Did Parminedes not say the same thing?Is there a solution to this dilemma? If i am forever changing, why do i have the same thoughts, memory, and knowledge about myself as yesterday?
2024-12-16 19:42:32
Phoney :
Every thing that can happen has happened and will happen again. The universe is infinite!
2024-12-16 18:36:05
user5424828100314 :
Just brilliant.
2024-12-16 20:01:56
DJ Longneck :
I love your videos! I was thinking about rivers like this just earlier today!!
2024-12-16 23:11:56
misho9000 :
I like to think of our consciousness as a fire too. It's a continuous process and we experience a portion of reality through it.
2024-12-16 15:21:17
blackice :
the only constant thing is the universe is change
2025-02-10 06:26:01
kofi asare :
your posts are very educative. it makes me see things differently.
2024-12-18 20:13:02
Ouma wa MaFegi :
I stan [and ponder] from the shores of L.Victoria in Kenya
2024-12-16 21:44:49
broncotown :
Would this not have consequences for morality and punishment? If someone commits a crime the person being sentenced is somebody else?
2025-01-24 17:09:17
Cog7 :
Only thing that doesn't change is the observer self.
2024-12-16 15:29:22
Doge :
In my language, there's no word for “be” but there is a word for “become.”
2024-12-23 07:06:25
Ioannis2023 :
The illusion of feeling time (movement) is due to our weakness to feel directly the 4th dimension reality ….
2024-12-18 11:19:05
acy885423 :
I truly enjoy your clips. Thank you. 🥰
2024-12-22 02:50:19
Alle Alexandra :
I learnt some years ago that due to cells change we change completely, cell-wise, every 7 years or so.
2024-12-23 16:35:12
Chip :
the illusion of the shelf, so dear to Buddhists, is precisely about this. we feel that we are the same person along our lifetime, although obviously we are not
2024-12-19 14:04:46
TRUTH NOT myth :
We can never do something the same way again… because experience is now there.. once you do something, there’s memory, experience and emotion.. so the second time it’s not the same
2024-12-18 23:16:41
Smithy :
seen over 10 vids of yours, now I just have to give you a follow.
your page kinda detox me from various content I've consumed on this app.
2024-12-21 02:38:49
Kilo Tango :
Apparently we can’t even ever shuffle 52 cards in the same order.
2024-12-17 11:18:05
MP :
2024-12-16 22:24:46
troyboltonfan4ever :
Everything stays but it still changes
2024-12-16 15:51:24
dreww32 :
2024-12-16 19:00:04
Kat Nanshin Blehm :
“My death will be the disappearance of a particular pattern in the water.” ~ Alan Watts
2024-12-17 01:59:53
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