@maijukaroliina_: 2 months since you died... and still I don't know how to live without you. I miss you everyday. I miss you smile, your laugh, your voice, your kind heart and... well everything about you. I haven't stop thinking you since that day 2 months ago. This world is so empty without you. I promise that you will be remembered and loved everyday until my last day in this earth. I miss you so so much Payno♥️ #liampayne #2months #16october2024 #payno #liam #missyou #fyp #onedirection #1D #foruyoupage #liampayneedit #justiceforliampayne #justiceforliam #liampaynevideos #liampayne1d #liampaynedeservesbetter #liampaynedeservestheworld #viralvideo #foryou