I did this to my dog and she’s never ever been agressive with food! If anyone tries to interrupt her eating she just waits until they are done
2024-12-17 20:52:47
g 🎰 :
so actually this is how you create resource guarding! hope this helps!
2024-12-18 01:00:23
k :
important to do this with “high reward” type items incase your pup gets something they shouldn’t have. “drop it” has saved my dogs life manyyyyyy times
2024-12-17 18:09:32
Leslie Passwaters :
This can actually create resource guarding. Try hand feeding high value food and treats :)
2024-12-18 01:09:54
Dani/Caroline ✪🇵🇸 :
I did this with all of my dogs and now they expect pets while they eat or at least pets before they eat
2024-12-18 15:28:36
Kathryn Hunter :
we did the same with our pittie/dobie. I can literally touch him anywhere and he won't react
2024-12-17 22:40:25
Mallory Jane 🐈⬛ :
I see you- unfortunately sometimes this has the opposite effect. Try walking by and dropping a super high value treat into their bowl while eating. Feed with your hands. Associate hands with highvalue
2024-12-17 21:05:41
Kenzie :
This will cause resource guarding please let them eat it peace! 🥰
2024-12-17 19:26:22
✨Gabbie✨ :
My dog is aggressive towards dogs, but never towards humans. Especially me. I reach my hand in his bowl all the time but usually add a treat or some broth.
2024-12-17 16:15:31
Ollie & Jasper :
Thank you TikTok for reassuring me I will ALWAYS have a career ❤️
2024-12-17 19:06:18
kachow :
comments are really back and forth on whether or not this works
2024-12-17 21:31:42
Lori Lee :
Good job mama!!
2024-12-18 02:10:04
Levi :
This pmo
2024-12-17 18:40:09
e :
I’m gonna hold your hand when I tell you this
2024-12-17 20:58:38
maliya :
Ah, this is almost exactly what you don’t wanna do babe 🥺 I understand and this used to be the go to! But you actually want to give your dog a high reward treat so they know that humans are positive
2024-12-17 22:07:35
P :
Be careful not to over socialize. The key is to let her observe VS interact. Also even if she is aggressive, people underestimate dog genetics. Genetics trump anything on temperament.
2024-12-17 17:42:56
amy mae🌞 :
i also did this!! take them around people all the time!! strangers, not just family!! it helps SOOOO much! i had one incident where mine was SO SCARED of a wheelchair. she barked & growled the lady!!
2024-12-17 17:02:53
Abbe :
No I wouldn’t do that
2024-12-18 01:47:42
lo :
make sure you can move the bowl/ take it away at anytime without them tweaking
2024-12-17 22:43:11
Cass :
Did this with my heeler mix and he became ✨food aggressive✨ left my chihuahua mix alone completely and she’s an angel around food👍
2024-12-17 19:53:58
Lau Jones :
This is actually one way to make your dog resource guard food
2024-12-20 00:31:23
Rising Phoenix 🐦🔥 :
my rott is so chill, she could care less who's playing in her food while she eats, and it makes me so proud bc she's so gentle with my toddlers
2024-12-17 23:48:38
Deannasaurus_ :
Also make sure to pick up her plate and then put it back down. Play with the food as she’s eating it too
2024-12-18 05:07:54
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