@avatar.iann: Kundalini Standing - from the Base to the Heart. #consciousness #awareness #Fitness #higherself #selflove #meditation #kundaliniyoga #yogi #kundaliniguru #guru #howtokundalini #spiritualtiktok #spirituality #selfhelp #yoga #kundalini #rootchakra #divinefeminine #heartchakra #redchakra #greenchakra also something i just noticed - isn't it interesting how this session went from the red chakra up to green? w/yellow inbetween? notice my sweater & the fact that I'm wearing a green beanie -- & that's where the session happened to end. the top chakra (green hat on top) that i hit in this session was the heart. the "green" chakra. colors have a profound impact on our lives & the reality all around us. I also noticed there's a similar pattern in my previous videos. the chakras i put the most work on happen to mirror the colors I'm wearing. & I never plan beforehand how the session is going to go, I always just focus on where my body is telling me to focus -- where it aches the most.