@drforbeez: This is not intended to cause panic. My goal is to help pet parents make an informed decision. There are always risks and benefits associated with every medication we prescribe. ##librela##zoetis##oa##osteoarthritis##dogs##dogtok##veterinary##veterinarymedicine#greenscreen
People need to remember that a lot of dogs with OA on librela are older and can have underlying disease and comorbidities. Personally, I have seen librela save dogs life and improve their QOL.
2024-12-19 02:03:34
crzygsdlady :
What neurological conditions are considered to not be a good match? Our vet recommended it for our 13 year old GSD with advanced OA. She’s on rimadyl and gabapentin now. I’m hesitant because of the
2025-01-09 23:07:02
mamashellz70 :
My little 8yr old chi just started having really bad arthritis. They started him on gabapentin, which is helping but not like the results I’m seeing with this shot. He is o/w healthy, but very small
2025-03-08 15:58:33
Brittany Bee :
Librela almost ruined my dogs life. I’m glad it works for some, but for my boy it was catastrophic.
2024-12-19 03:30:02
Bri Benton :
One of my dogs starting carpet chewing and flea biting after having one dose. I decided that was too much neurological weirdness for me to continue with an already seizure prone breed. We also had
2024-12-19 04:25:25
lindsay :
Hi! I am a vet tech and I gave my 16 y/o dachshund Librela and not even 12 hour later could not walk on his back leg where the injection was given. He was euthanized about a week later.
2024-12-19 03:08:31
Sarah Marie :
As a counter point. My 19y dog as been in a wheelchair for 2 years d/t neuro degeneration. She started walking (well wobbling) on Lbrela. I have 2 of my dogs on it and countless patients...
2024-12-19 00:29:27
Katie Anne :
Do you think Solensia affects cats similarly given their MOAs are similar? 😫
2024-12-19 04:58:53
boozy_hounds :
I feel like it's a case by case basis, it bought our dog 9 more months of a good quality of life.
2024-12-19 22:57:23
Wally Norman Easterbunny :
My dog was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease by a endoscopy. Would you recommend a raw diet?
2024-12-19 01:44:08
Fee :
Oh nooo my dog who was severely limping now walks without a problem on Librela. He’s been on it for about 9 months and so far no adverse effects that we’ve noticed yet 🤞
2024-12-19 00:36:47
Alia Krerowicz :
our vet recommended it for our dog. we didn't go with it, as we were already feeling squeezed by finances overall. he was a good candidate for it, but our vet didn't go over any side effects;
2024-12-20 17:12:10
Xander Sohn :
Upsetting. My dog has seizures and my vet still gave my dog librela shots
2025-03-08 20:05:22
Em :
sigh, I was about to call my vet to ask about this for one of my dogs since it had been out for a bit now. now I wonder what they'll say.
2024-12-19 00:31:57
Salsa :
My 14 almost 15 year old Labrador would not be here right now without getting librela. In her case, her QOL has DRASTICALLY improved and in her case the rewards outweighs the risks of side effects 1/2
2024-12-19 05:15:28
Shannon K. Wendt-Heath :
One of our pups was on Librela. No mention about this information has been forthcoming. Should we have been told about it? It bothers me that I'm finding out about it on TikTok.
2024-12-29 02:39:05
miztli93 :
Could this apply for Solensia too?
2024-12-19 05:37:43
picklesgalore5 :
I almost put my beagle with IVDD on liberla and am so glad I didn’t after I heard of the risk of hind end paralysis since he already struggles with it. I’m sure it can be helpful but not for us
2024-12-19 03:55:48
matildatheborgi :
Librela has been so helpful for my dog with osteoarthritis and overall joint pain. We tried so many other therapies before librela with not great results but librela has been a game changer.
2024-12-19 21:25:25
radicalkittensss :
We’ve seen at least 3 dogs that have developed luxations after starting librela. Poor kiddos needed tarsal arthrodeses
2024-12-19 11:47:31
Mickee :
Also has been noted that dogs with liver issues/clotting disorders making them worse. Rvt here and my old gal is on it but we did have to out her on denamarin as well. Her liver was noted prior 1/
2024-12-19 05:09:02
user9036799874807 :
Would a severe heart murmur be a reason not to use on 15 year old chihuahua?
2024-12-19 00:43:37
Kate Schneider :
My 14 year old dog did terrible. I wish I had never let my vet push me into a 2nd injection because we had to put her to sleep within a week. She lost bladder control her mobility declined rapidly and
2024-12-19 19:53:17
cereniamm :
How soon after a dose of Librela have they seen the side affects appear?
2024-12-19 03:38:35
Gosunkugi :
When does one start to see the positive effects of Librela? Mine is about to take his 4th shot but I sometimes see improvement…
2024-12-26 22:36:35
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