@carlakayfit: 🌟 This video is for all the amazing Mamas (or mamas-to-be): 🤰 Pregnant Mama 🤱 Mama with a c-section 🩺 Mama with an umbilical hernia ⏳ Mama that is 0-40 years postpartum 👵 Mama of all ages 💪 Even if you’re not a Mama, THIS ONE IS FOR YOU! Skip the crunches and planks! With diastasis recti, steer clear of exercises that strain your abs like traditional sit-ups. Instead, focus on gentle core moves like pelvic tilts and modified workouts😌👌🏻 ALL THE MAMAS Trying to lose that infamous « Mommy Pouch » stick to a plan and own it🔥 Link in my bio 🔗 to get your Mommy Pouch Program✨ #diastasisrecti #pelvicfloor #coreworkout #mommypooch #pregnancytransformation #viral #fitnessprogram #weightlossprogram #diastasisrecti #mompouchworkout #mompouchchallenge #pelvicfloorexercises #pelvicfoor #postpartumexercise #postpartumrecoveryjourney #diastasisrectiexercises #diastasisrectirecovery #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyexercise #abworkouts #creatorsearchinsights #workouttips