@oneracehumanraceallhuman: Do you remember the Democrats Making The Following A Theme? 12/18/2024 Part II Go to GregPalast.com Go to Democracydocket.com 161 years ago today, what happened? 61 years ago on Nov 22, 1963 who gave it All for your Right To Vote? Go to JSFLJ Ministriesinc.com There is Hope Jeremiah 29:11 Read President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Given on November 19, 1863 Tuesday, November 19, 2024 #Jesus #abrahamlicoln ##gregpalast #presidentjohnfkennedy Please Spread The Word About The Southern Strategy and Voter Suppression. Please Google Greg Palast and watch his film “Vigilante Inc.: America’s New Voter Suppression” and Read “Here’s What We Do Now: A Personal Note by Greg Palast November 6, 2024 Today is Friday, November 8, 2024 #Jesus #GodisStillonTheThrone #GodandJesusAreStilOnTheThrone #Jesus #Debate Remember and Vote Blue #Jesus #KamalaHarris #KamalaHarris2024 #whitepoverty #marchforourlives2024 Like Jesus, So Many Human Beings Were Crucified For Your Right To Vote: Remember and Vote Save Our Democracy Good Friday, March 29, 2024 #Jesus #RememberandVote #SaveOurDemocracy #voteblue2024💙 Government Forced Birth Equals Abortion Ban. Call it Government Forced Birth and Once Born Republicans Could Careless 3/21/2024 #Jesus #voteblue2024💙 #abortion #governmentforcedbirth #forcedbirth Nathan Wade has Resigned/ DA Willis Remains 3/15/2024 “And he hath made from one blood every nation of people to dwell on all the face of the earth….” Please read Acts Chaptet 17 and Verse 26 Thank you! 1 #J#JesusA#AgapeLoveo #C#Christmasarade, This #Y#Year In The Real #B#Bethlehem This is The Way To #H#HonorJ#Jesus#J#JesusA#AgapeLoveN#NoChristmasParadeG#Give#N#NotMoneyBut Information About the #R#RealJesus#N#NotSlavemasterJesus#G#GiveandApplyTheWordsofChrist9/24/2023 #G#GiveTheRealJesusG#GiveJesusS#SlavemasterJesusR#RealJesusNotSlavemasterJesusG#GiveTheTrueWordofGodj#jsfljministriesincJ#JesusisproabundantlifeG#GiveTheRealWordofGodR#ReclaimRealJesusR#RacistSouthernstrategys#southernstrategyhe #R#Real#A#AuthenticJ#JesusS#Standsor #L#Love#J#Justice#M#Mercyand #F#Faith#J#JesusM#Matthew712T#TikToktrendt#toktoktrendingv#viralv#viralvideot#trendingt#trent#trendt#trendyv#viraltiktokd#danced#dancetrendd#dancetrend2023d#dancetrendst#trendalertst#toptrendingt#toptrendiingvideot#teachersoftiktokt#teachersl#LearnOnTikTokf#fypagej#jsfljministriesincw#workdcupf#foryouf#foryoupagem#musicm#musicvideov#viraldancev#viralv#viralvideo#d#dancechallengesd#dancechalleged#dancetitokd#danceg#genztiktokB#BlackTikToka#africantiktoke#e#europetiktok#k#koreantiktokk#k#koreanchristian#k#koreanchristiantiktok#b#blacktiktok#s#southafricantiktok#s#southafricatiktokm#mrsfannielouhamerr#revdrmartinlutherking#b#blackwomenforwardtrainb#blackwomenoftiktokJ#JesusChristA#AgapeLoveL#LoveofAllPeople#p#politicsd#democrats#a#asiantiktokersl#latinostiktokbb#blackhistoryr#racisme#equalityi#interracialG#Godlywomen#j#justicevotetiktok #v#voteblue#a#americanhistory#p#progressiveclergy#p#progressivechrist#p#poorpeoplescampaignr#repairerofthebreache#ecumenicalC#Christianv#votetiktokn#nextgenthirdreconstructionA#AAPIf#fypa#asianamericanm#modelminoritya#antiracists#solidarityG#GenZf#fypB#Believef#futureB#Bethlehemb#believeinyourselfk#keepeyesonsudans#sudani#irelandi#irelandtiktoka#africaw#worlds#sharef#foryouu#usr#racismm#medicalracismD#DAFaniWillisd#dafaniwilliss#sotuL#LevertTheBassmank#keeptiktokk#keeptiktokalivek#keeptiktokingg#greennewdealI#IVFG#GovernmentForcedBirthW#WhiteAffirmativeActionpoorpeoplescampaign2024
OneRaceHumanRace AllHuman
Region: US
Thursday 19 December 2024 04:29:09 GMT
Krysta Gale 💙 :
they definitely did, I shared multiple charts showing this before the elections, his voters just don't care
2024-12-19 14:21:22
Apple User987774900 :
It has been said OVER AND OVER!
2024-12-19 17:45:03
banzhiyu263 :
The people that voted for him don’t care about this.
2024-12-19 10:13:04
Cyndi Jeffers :
Wasn’t it about 8 billion?
2024-12-19 06:02:05
pepe :
I knew that..cutting taxes for the billionaires ..and what's coming in now is insane..
2024-12-19 06:46:18
roseds :
They have said it many times
2024-12-19 06:24:37
Uncle Steve :
Obama made a point about Dem vs Repub president economies. There memes and graphs.
2024-12-19 16:17:03
Jojo :
They did. They also showed the number of jobs created under the various prior presidents. All of this was out there.
2024-12-19 16:29:08
babyGurlDonna :
They did no one listens
2024-12-19 14:27:34
OnyxxArts :
YES! Regrettably, it was dismissed with other troubling Trump revelations in the news cycle.😳
2024-12-19 18:33:36
Tiff :
They made this point for YEARS and no one on the Right wanted to listen
2024-12-19 14:40:36
M!A :
It was 14 trillion when he took over. He added 7 trillion. That's 50%.
2024-12-19 11:37:08
user7819799792369 :
They did make this point!!! People didn’t listen or didn’t care.
2024-12-19 16:26:15
Samantha Hippler :
We did! They won’t listen and now it’s too late 😔
2024-12-19 17:05:37
NiaCam :
We tried to tell y’all
2024-12-19 16:08:06
Moneybag Mo :
It was said repeatedly.
2024-12-19 14:25:57
Brother_GenX :
They did say that.
2024-12-19 12:11:51
CraftyChristine :
Yes they did
2024-12-19 13:57:32
NYNinny :
He loves breaking records.
2024-12-19 14:08:35
Tired mama :
Because they don’t want to raise taxes on corporations either
2024-12-19 13:43:25
rudysmith :
they have, they said it plenty of times. people just didn't listen
2024-12-19 16:40:14
ginamartin900 :
I’d like to see that spending broken down, this would be great argument material to manga’s. Saying this and know about it would be powerful information
2025-02-19 18:44:38
To see more videos from user @oneracehumanraceallhuman, please go to the Tikwm