@akunmilikberdua03: 200 alasan aku menyukaimu : 1. Senyum manis 2. Suara lembut 3. Kepribadian ceria 4. Selera humor 5. Mata indah 6. Tawa tulus 7. Sifat sabar 8. Daya tarik 9. Rasa percaya 10. Keberanian luar biasa. 11. Kebaikan hati 12. Kejujuran tinggi 13. Daya pikat 14. Berjiwa besar 15. Menyentuh hati 16. Penuh perhatian 17. Dapat diandalkan 18. Cerdas berbicara 19. Pemahaman mendalam 20. Daya optimis 21. Keindahan sikap 22. Semangat hidup 23. Penuh kasih 24. Mempesona hati 25. Kebijaksanaan alami 26. Sopan santun 27. Tanggap masalah 28. Mudah diajak bicara 29. Penuh pengertian 30. Lembut bicara 31. Terpercaya penuh 32. Sosial rendah hati 33. Keberagaman minat 34. Pemikir kreatif 35. Energi positif 36. Penuh empati 37. Suara menenangkan 38. Kekuatan hati 39. Karakter kuat 40. Selalu membantu 41. Sifat peduli 42. Penuh kejutan 43. Tangan hangat 44. Memahami perasaan 45. Saling melengkapi 46. Suka tertawa 47. Bekerja keras 48. Tak kenal lelah. 49. Penyemangat sejati 50. Keberanian besar 51. Penuh kasih sayang 52. Cinta tulus 53. Tanggap situasi 54. Bersikap terbuka. 55. Rasa humor 56. Mandiri kuat 57. Penuh energi 58. Sifat jujur 59. Penuh pengorbanan 60. Sangat perhatian 61. Kerja sama 62. Pemikiran matang 63. Dapat dipercaya 64. Penuh kebahagiaan 65. Selalu ceria 66. Suasana nyaman. 67. Perhatian tulus 68. Kebaikan hati 69. Menghargai perasaan 70. Sikap tenang 71. Motivasi hidup 72. Menyemangati aku. 73. Dapat diandalkan 74. Mudah dipercaya 75. Penuh kejutan 76. Wajah ceria 77, Luar biasa sabar 78. Memahami dengan baik 79. Sifat bijaksana 80. Setia selalu 81. Suka menolong 82. Sopan santun 83. Penuh motivasi 84. Sikap rendah hati 85. Senang berbagi 86. Tidak pernah egois 87. Tidak pemah mengeluh 88. Memiliki empati 89. Penuh perhatian 90. Baik hati 91. Tulus apa adanya 92. Mencintai dengan tulus 93. Pengertian luar biasa 94. Saling memahami 95. Pemimpin baik 96. Selalu percaya 97. Tak pernah lelah 98. Penuh kebahagiaan 99. Tak tergantikan 100. Karakter mulia 101. Gaya hidup sehat 102. Penuh kedamaian. 103. Dapat mengerti 104. Perhatian penuh. 105. Membuat tenang 106. Selalu ada 107. Cinta sejati 108. Membuat nyaman. 109. Penuh ketulusan 110. Menjaga rahasia 111. Menjaga hubungan 112. Pengorbanan nyata 113. Penampilan menarik 114. Batin kuat 115. Sangat perhatian 116. Penyemangat hidup 117. Rasa tanggung jawab 118. Dapat diandalkan 119. Penuh motivasi 120. Menjaga janji 121. Terbuka untuk kritik 122. Suka berbagi 123. Berjiwa besar 124 Cinta sederhana 125. Menjadi pendengar 126. Meredakan masalah 127. Memberi ketenangan 128. Sifat ramah 129. Perasaan halus 130. Keindahan jiwa 131. Selalu berbagi 132. Membawa kebahagiaan 133. Tak mudah marah 134. Pendengar yang baik 135. Berpikir positif 136. Keseimbangan hidup 137. Rasa tanggung jawab 138. Terbuka dengan perasaan 139. Penuh semangat 140. Mendukung selalu 141. Setia menemani 142. Peduli sesama 143. Hati besar 144. Memahami kekurangan. 145. Sifat manis 146. Tidak menilai 147. Melindungi selalu 148. Keberanian luar biasa 149. Menghargai setiap detik 150. Mengerti aku 151. Sabar menghadapi 152. Berjuang bersama 153. Menerima segalanya 154. Menjadi teman 155. Menenangkan hati 156. Menghargai waktu 157. Memahami perbedaan 158. Tanpa syarat 159. Menerima kekurangan 160. Tidak banyak bicara 161. Menumbuhkan harapan 162. Percaya pada aku 163. Kekuatan mental 164. Pendukung sejati 165. Penuh kasih sayang 166. Jujur hati 167. Pembawa kedamaian 168. Penuh perhatian 169. Membuat aku tersenyum 170. Penuh rasa cinta 171. Memberi harapan 172. Mengerti dengan baik 173. Mengerti perasaan 174. Suka membantu 175. Menunjukkan rasa sayang 176. Sifat tenang 177. Menjaga kesetiaan. 178. Saling menghargai 179. Tidak egois 180. Empati tinggi 181. Sifat rendah hati 182. Cinta tak terucapkan 183. Menerima dengan lapang 184. Mengerti situasi 185. Pengorbanan tulus 186. Sabar menunggu 187. Tak pemah marah 188. Penuh perhatian 189. Menenangkan suasana 190. Selalu mendukung 191. Senang berbagi 192. Tulus membantu 193. Sifat positif 194. Semangat tinggi 195. Penuh rasa hormat 196. Tidak menghakimi 197. Saling memberi 198. Menjaga perasaan 199. Menghargai waktu 200. Tak pernah menyerah #fyp #fypシ #couplegoals #trending

akun milik berdua
akun milik berdua
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Asking the dead to make dua to Allah doesn’t nullify any aspect of tawhid. Argue with evidence or don’t. Here’s the proof. 	1.	The Dead Are Aware and Hear: Ibn al-Qayyim, a well-respected scholar, explains: “The ahadith and traditions indicate that the visited dead know those who visit them, hear their salam, and find solace in their company.” (Sharh al-Muntaha by Imam al-Buhuti). This indicates that the dead have some level of awareness and can hear those who visit them. It is not a violation of tawhid, as the request for dua remains directed to Allah alone, not to the dead. 	2.	The Dead Know Good and Bad Actions Near Them: Imam Ahmad said: “The dead are aware of what is done in their proximity. They are pleased with the good (such as Qur’an recitations and dhikr) and distressed by bad done near them.” (Abdul Qadir Jilani in Ghunya). This means that the dead are conscious of the positive and negative activities happening around them, including actions like prayer and supplication (dua), whether from the living or others. This is an important distinction that shows the ability of the dead to be involved in these actions without them being a substitute for worshipping Allah directly. 	3.	Forgiveness Through Visiting Graves: There is an authentic narration from Aisha (RA) via Abu Bakr that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever visits the grave of his parents, or one of them, every Friday and recites [Surah] Yasin, Allah forgives them.” This narration is found in Fadail al-Qur’an by Abu al-Shaykh and is mentioned by Imam al-Buhuti in Sharh al-Muntaha. This act of reciting Surah Yasin at the graves of the deceased is seen as an act of devotion that brings forgiveness from Allah. It’s an action of dua being offered for the dead, which is not seen as a violation of tawhid, but rather a way to seek Allah’s mercy for them. 	4.	The Dead Know Their Visitors, Especially on Fridays: It’s further explained that the dead are aware of their visitors, especially on Fridays: “The dead know those who visit them, particularly before sunrise on Fridays. This was stated by our Imam Ahmad. Abdul Qadir Jilani mentions in his ghunya that the dead are aware of those who visit them at all times, but it’s more emphasized on Fridays.” This narration reinforces that the dead can be aware of those who visit and supplicate for them. When a person asks the dead for dua, it’s no different than asking a living person to pray for you — the action remains directed towards Allah, who is the ultimate source of all blessings and mercy. Conclusion: The key point here is that asking the dead to make dua to Allah does not undermine or violate the fundamental principle of tawhid, therefor it isnt shirk al akbar.
Asking the dead to make dua to Allah doesn’t nullify any aspect of tawhid. Argue with evidence or don’t. Here’s the proof. 1. The Dead Are Aware and Hear: Ibn al-Qayyim, a well-respected scholar, explains: “The ahadith and traditions indicate that the visited dead know those who visit them, hear their salam, and find solace in their company.” (Sharh al-Muntaha by Imam al-Buhuti). This indicates that the dead have some level of awareness and can hear those who visit them. It is not a violation of tawhid, as the request for dua remains directed to Allah alone, not to the dead. 2. The Dead Know Good and Bad Actions Near Them: Imam Ahmad said: “The dead are aware of what is done in their proximity. They are pleased with the good (such as Qur’an recitations and dhikr) and distressed by bad done near them.” (Abdul Qadir Jilani in Ghunya). This means that the dead are conscious of the positive and negative activities happening around them, including actions like prayer and supplication (dua), whether from the living or others. This is an important distinction that shows the ability of the dead to be involved in these actions without them being a substitute for worshipping Allah directly. 3. Forgiveness Through Visiting Graves: There is an authentic narration from Aisha (RA) via Abu Bakr that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever visits the grave of his parents, or one of them, every Friday and recites [Surah] Yasin, Allah forgives them.” This narration is found in Fadail al-Qur’an by Abu al-Shaykh and is mentioned by Imam al-Buhuti in Sharh al-Muntaha. This act of reciting Surah Yasin at the graves of the deceased is seen as an act of devotion that brings forgiveness from Allah. It’s an action of dua being offered for the dead, which is not seen as a violation of tawhid, but rather a way to seek Allah’s mercy for them. 4. The Dead Know Their Visitors, Especially on Fridays: It’s further explained that the dead are aware of their visitors, especially on Fridays: “The dead know those who visit them, particularly before sunrise on Fridays. This was stated by our Imam Ahmad. Abdul Qadir Jilani mentions in his ghunya that the dead are aware of those who visit them at all times, but it’s more emphasized on Fridays.” This narration reinforces that the dead can be aware of those who visit and supplicate for them. When a person asks the dead for dua, it’s no different than asking a living person to pray for you — the action remains directed towards Allah, who is the ultimate source of all blessings and mercy. Conclusion: The key point here is that asking the dead to make dua to Allah does not undermine or violate the fundamental principle of tawhid, therefor it isnt shirk al akbar.
