@happycompromisefarm: All of the cows are obsessed with Anita the UTV and anything that comes into their paddock on her, including the brushes! We don’t brush the cows’ teeth, but maybe we should start?! 😂 Please leave some love for little Nimai in the comments! He is coming up on his one-year birthday AND rescueversary in less than a month - they were the same day! - and we always want him to know he’s loved beyond belief. 💓 *** *** *** #happycompromisefarm #sanctuarylife #animalsanctuary #animalrescuelife #rescuedandloved #cowstagram #cowlife #cowsofinstagram #sillyanimals #happilyeverafter #friendsnotfood #thegoodlife #secondchances #brushyourteeth #oralhygiene