@anastasiabeautyfascia: Are you concerned with Hooded Eyes? If you want to improve your hooded eyes, you need to focus on the position of your eyebrows. When your eyebrows sit lower, they can make your eyelids appear more hooded. To address this, work on the areas that tend to pull your eyebrows downward, and also target the puffiness around your eyelids. A great technique involves applying gentle exercises or massages around the inner corner of the eye while repositioning the eyebrow. Do it daily for 2 weeks to start seeing results. If you want see hundreds of amazing Transformations, check out the Highlights. And if you're really serious about transforming your face, join the Waitlist now to get notified once enrollment to my 30-Day Face Transformation Program starts. Hint: it will be soon, and this is the last enrollment before price goes up. So don't miss it 👀