@tombilyeu: The money supply is being manipulated to your disadvantage unless you are hyper educated in finance. That's why the poor get poorer, and the rich get richer. Inflation is theft. The government steals from you, so that they can do things that they know you'll vote against. They inflate the money supply, which leaves the same number of dollars in your bank account, but gives them some of the buying power (that should be yours). The right way to think about 2% or 3% inflation is the government saying, "Look we're going to steal 2-3% of your money without having to ask you for it, without having to make it an official tax. We are going to take it from you. Because we do that, saving money doesn't serve you because your money will be worth less tomorrow than it is today." So you have to go gamble, which we're lovingly going to call "invest". You're going to have to go gamble that money to try to make a return that is greater than the amount that we steal from you.
Tom Bilyeu
Region: US
Monday 23 December 2024 19:00:14 GMT
Androogle :
and then you'll pay taxes on the return of that gambling if you succeed
2024-12-23 19:24:26
Jay Milly :
Who created this corrupt system 🤔
2024-12-24 09:39:46
FlashGPT :
100% time to end this bs
2024-12-24 00:07:40
DanieltooAsia :
It’s called The Invincible Hand
2024-12-24 09:43:34
TDurden :
2-3% is the number they allow us to know. The true number is more like 5-10% per year
2024-12-24 01:25:19
TheEternalBruh :
Inflation is a wealth tax
2024-12-24 00:00:45
cmackey :
Trust me, it is so hard to get people to understand this stuff I have tried. This world is full of sheep, not willing to learn.
2024-12-25 11:21:08
Nick Sharp :
The habits of the poor are causing them to be poor.
2024-12-24 18:51:06
Chris :
Money was never meant to be a stable form of keeping wealth . It is just a medium for exchange. You have to buy real assets to store value.
2024-12-26 04:40:09
JE :
Depressing and exhausting , but true.
2024-12-24 05:44:10
Sharkeys_End :
This is why I’ve often said that Ron Paul was our last best hope. He was all on top of this stuff
2024-12-24 00:06:12
christopherwoodwa90 :
and that's why the unions are constantly striking over pay raises. the end.
2024-12-24 05:27:34
Gtrkev3 :
The "cheat code" is long term low interest debt. Especially on a rising asset like housing. It's a way to "short" the US Dollar. Then inflation is paying you, not stealing from you.
2024-12-25 10:37:59
6amsuccess :
“Inflate” is synonymous with theft
2024-12-23 21:52:26
omar.sangiovanni :
The rich get richer by design. It is not just you get financial education and then you are in.
2024-12-23 23:54:02
Transfag123 :
I guess I'm hyper educated in finance, but it's inactionable insight. can't do anything about it
2024-12-24 14:25:02
fyse :
I highly doubt this is true. Inflation increases the tax burden on capital investments and lowers GDP. The government also pays for goods and services at higher prices just like everyone else.
2024-12-24 00:39:43
JAXFinancial :
I’m sorry but investing in public equities that have averaged 9.5% whilst inflation has averaged 3.8% over the last 100 years is not gambling.
2024-12-24 17:59:22
Mr.Goodkat :
Decentralized digital asset are key to fighting inflationary money printers 👌
2024-12-24 07:48:29
Victoria Flemming :
Did he just mix up banks with the government???!!!!! Banks inflate the money, the central bank decides how high the inflation is, and that has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GOVERNMENT.
2024-12-24 13:54:13
Laila Rose :
the rich live off debt you don’t pay tax on debt i wish i knew this 20 years ago
2024-12-24 20:36:35
Spider Mcgavenport :
yes it is financial & economic warfare
2024-12-24 12:24:49
ATikTockerGuy :
I think he is downplaying inflation. 2-3% is low not to mention the fact that it is compounded Year over year
2024-12-25 02:55:24
Mike Blalagio :
Barter and avoid using their currency
2024-12-24 10:46:42
Yudenia Mesa :
This is legit the best explanation of ever heard and it needs to go viral!
2024-12-24 16:09:17
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