@ygm_ai: 위험한 바다속 괴생명체와 마주친 다이버의 모험 Note : Did you know humans have discovered only 1% of the ocean's creatures? Let's unleash our imagination and discover the other 99% together. From fascinating marine biology facts to creative storytelling, this channel is your ultimate gateway to the deep blue sea and its wonders. #sea #monster #horror #mystery #ocean #giantcreatures #animals #giant #seaanimals #釣魚 #pesca #मछली पकड़ना #মাছ ধরা #pescaria #рыбалка #釣り #ماہی گیری #मासेमारी #మత్స్యకార్యం #balık tutma #낚시 #pêche #Angeln #câu cá #மீன்பிடி #ماہی گیری #mancing #pesca #الصيد #મચ્છીમારી #ماهیگیری #मछली पकड़ना #ĕng-lô͘ #釣魚 #釣魚 #kamun wuta