@thecollinskids: Yes I birthed them all. Some fun facts about my births. 1. All vaginal. No c sections. 2. 8 hospital births. 3 home births. 3. My smartest was 3.2 lbs (Ansyr 11 weeks early) and biggest was 10.1 lbs (Armor at 42 weeks). 4. We have 7 girls and 4 boys. We had 5 girls in a row. And Andrae was the only boy until baby #8 came. 5. I’ve gone pain med free 8 times. 6. My water breaks hours before labor every single time. Usually in our bed in the middle of the night. 7. I almost always go past 40 weeks. 8. I’ve had 3 miscarriages. 9. Hubs has delivered 4 of them. 10. We had God name the last 6 children. (We didn’t know that was possible before.) 11. Every single birth has been different. 12. They don’t just fall out the more you have, although Arrows birth was straight up miraculous and unbelievable. 13. They’ve all been born in Texas. 14. They’re all 13-25 months apart. 15. I’ve been pregnant every single year since 2009. #motherhood #family #birth #11kids #thecollinskids #funfacts