@romania: What draws us to the circle? In the hushed stillness of Măgura Ilvei, under the heavy cloak of snow and sky, there’s a ruckus that breaks the winter’s grip—a thundering, raw celebration of life itself. The Jocul Caprei isn’t just performed; it’s unleashed. A circle forms, its participants masked and menacing, their măști grotesque, each one a hand-crafted nightmare of leering eyes and crooked grins. They face inward, toward a single point where chaos churns—a Capra, wild and untamed, its body of coarne (horns) and pături (woven blankets) lurching and convulsing as if the spirit of some ancient god were trapped inside. The dancers wield toiege (wooden staffs) that clatter like bones on the frozen earth, their strigături—half-shouted invocations, half-feral cries—splitting the silence. This isn’t folklore tidily repackaged for polite applause. This is a howl into the void, a ritual older than written words, pagan to its core and utterly unrepentant. The Capra—the goat—embodies life’s unruly, uncontainable force, a spirit of mischief and survival. Its dance, performed in this circle of masked revelers, is both chaotic and strangely deliberate. The goats twist, jump, and stamp in rhythm, their movement not merely performance but communion. It’s raw energy directed inward, a momentary collapse of time where modernity dissolves, leaving only snow, fire, and the wild, human need to remember. And at the center of the circle? That’s the question, isn’t it? The focus is everything and nothing. A symbol, maybe, of abundance or fertility. Or perhaps something darker: a reminder of the razor-thin line between life and death, chaos and order. The masks leer, the staffs crack against the ice, and the chants climb higher. It’s visceral, unnerving, beautiful in its madness. Tell me, when you step into the circle, what would you find staring back at you? Video by @valy_stretea [Romanian Folklore, Capra Dance, Ritual Circles, Măgura Ilvei, Grotesque Masks, Strigături Meaning, Ancestral Rituals, Capra Symbolism, Village Life] #romania #travel #wintertraditions
Region: RO
Thursday 26 December 2024 08:39:46 GMT
periodoftime2222 :
Life before the internet seems kinda lit.
2024-12-26 13:03:07
✨꧁✮Искры ✮꧂✨ :
I’m a big fan of whatever this is
2024-12-27 19:50:02
𓃶 :
imagine seeing this in the woods with their shadows dancing wildly against the trees
2024-12-26 22:31:51
WilHelm RavinWood :
😁 I love when you can tell a tradition came from a drinking game.😅
2024-12-26 19:58:07
gabrihash :
for anyone wondering: it's a romanian tradition,originating from old pagan geto-dacic rituals,the bear dance and the goat,there were rituals to cleanse bad spirits and tame the nature for good harvest
2024-12-28 18:03:19
Robin Coppock :
i can’t help but think the reason all these wintertime traditions are so wild is cuz, imagine everyone going stir-crazy staying indoors during the cold season
2024-12-27 07:16:34
Jo 8 :
Ohh this freaked me out for a good 5 seconds I thought these were some very synchronized goats and I did not like that implication
2024-12-27 06:53:42
ThemeParkTherapist :
I keep seeing this referred to as a “goat” tradition, but the headdresses appear to have pronged deer antlers, not goat horns. Can anyone explain?
2024-12-26 17:39:16
AI generated
2024-12-26 20:26:17
cirynn :
gotta admit.. I was very confused for a few seconds
2024-12-26 14:51:15
TikT :
Why is this so scary 💀
2024-12-27 14:09:35
Liquidenzyme :
Reminds me of the Mary llwyd in wales
2024-12-26 16:51:09
🔥 Nyx 🔥 :
I’m a big fan of whatever this is
2024-12-27 05:30:28
JoliPL :
What is it called?
2024-12-28 10:23:11
don't perceive me :
What instrument is that??? Sounds like a sax, but that seems unlikely
2025-01-10 05:20:46
real_Jonkler :
Me and the boys in the kitchen gathered around the fridge, summoning the most delicious sweet treat known to man.
2024-12-27 14:44:23
LeahTroid :
Big fan of whatever this is ❤️
2024-12-27 19:36:17
eGg :
Idk what’s happening but I’m vibing
2024-12-27 01:51:49
user1398923462194 :
I want to dance with the party deer!
2024-12-27 09:27:58
Regina Metode :
I love romania
2024-12-26 16:28:19
🍉✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻🌈 :
idk how I got here but this is coolll as hell
2024-12-26 16:52:15
Leinad Seirrap :
Not a phone in sight just people enjoying the moment
2024-12-27 04:16:31
Rachel Ferguson :
Imagine just coming upon this in the woods with no context. Your village would never beleive you.
2024-12-28 12:31:53
_pluviophelia_ :
what are they saying/ singing about?
2024-12-27 16:01:22
Anria Minnaar :
Reminds me of the Welsh Mari Lewd. Is this also a Yuletide/Christmas tradition?
2024-12-28 09:15:02
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