@kirabarbielife: Glamping Solo in Madeira, Portugal to end 2024 was everything I wanted it to be and MORE and it allowed me to LIVE and practice self care. If you get nothing else from my content I hope you remember this "LIVE". Life is not promised so truly LIVE OUT LOUD. Live to your maximum potential and don't be afraid to try new experiences. If you want to SOLO TRAVEL, do it! Don't ever be embarrassed to book that trip if no one can go with you? You know why? You'll meet many new people while traveling solo and some of them will be life long friends, you might even go on some amazing dates and find your person, you might do bucketlist experiences, but most importantly you'll put yourself first and enhance your self care and self discovery while seeing the world with wonder like you've never seen it before. LIVE IN 2025 LIKE YOU'VE NEVER LIVED IN 2024. #madeiraisland #madeira #glamping #solofemaletravel #blacktravel #madeiraportugal