@itsmarbeell: Aku lumayan sering dapet DM yg curhat ttg struggle mereka dan jadi membanding2kan hidup mereka dgn orang2 di sosmed. Bahkan ga sedikit DM “memuji2” hidup aku. Setiap baca DM yg admire hidup aku, jujur aku jadi lebih bersyukur banget. Tapi aku juga sedih karna secara ga langsung orang jadi membanding2kan hidup mereka dgn sosmed💔 Padahal there’s so much struggle yg aku hadapin juga. So this content was inspired by them. I hope you all can value your life more and see all the beauty in your imperfections. Remember, perfection is just an illusion. Its the flaws that makes us more human, real, authentic and will offer you the opportunities to grow💫 And I also wanna thank @The Clinic Beautylosophy for helping me get through my struggles😊🤍