@dangerousblur: Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother sews her a vibrant red hoodie, warning her not to run on the path back to her mother’s house, for running awakens the skinwalkers—predators that thrive on fear. Eager to show her mother the gift, Red breaks into a sprint as her destination nears, unaware of the shadowy figures stirring in the woods. That night, a massive wolf prowls toward the house... then a skinwalker. Trapped between the wolf’s snarls and the skinwalker’s hunger, Red goes back to the only place left she knows - her grandmother's. #scarystory #scarystories #scary #story #stories #scared #creepystory #creepystories #creepy #tale #tales #legend #legends #americanhorrorstory #americanhorrorstories #myth #myths #monster #monsters #demon #demons #zombie #zombies #ghost #ghosts #entity #entities #creature #creatures #skinwalker #skinwalkers #possess #possessed #horror #horrors #horrific #horrifying #horrified #horrify #possess #possessed #possession #nightmare #nightmares #tiktok #youtube #instagram #pinterest #followme #viral #dangerousblur #redgrandmassecret