CHEW A VITAMIN D?! 😭 I have an adverse reaction to tasting pills
2024-12-31 10:48:41
Jay :
Definitely need to get some of these
2024-12-31 05:07:56
Reichol :
I I would never even imagine chewing on a pill like that you’re supposed to swallow them I think but I will be influenced by you. I don’t care. I’m gonna try it next time I come across one. Xx
2024-12-31 04:14:58
dem0litiongirll :
i have NEVER chewed a d3 but now i need to try it
2024-12-31 02:36:35
groo :
Vitamin c is needed in collagen formation, so yes! It doesn’t work only where applied like topical vitamin c, but anywhere collagen is used- your tendons, joints, cartilage, etc
2024-12-31 01:32:40
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