@belgianmalinoisservicek9: He's a always a trooper, and I'm sometimes a dummy. 🫡 Trying to grab "just a thing or two" on a Sunday in HEB during the church crowd will change you. 💀 Did I almost set this down and walk out? yes. 🤌🏽 Did I barely make it the whole 50 steps to the check out where i proceeded to almost cry? also yes. 🤌🏽 Will I proceed to do this again in the future? again, yes. 💀 ...I forgot the point of this. I think it was something along the lines of "slow learner." #ServiceDog #ServiceDogLife #ServiceDogCommunity #fyp #Malinois #FakeServiceDog #ServiceDogInTraining #MalinoisOfTikTok #PastorBelgaMalinois #BelgianMalinois #Malinois #AssistanceDog #ServiceK9 #ServiceDogHandler #Dysautonomia #POTS #AuDHD #PosturalOrthostaticTacycardiaSyndrome #Neurodivergent #MobilityServiceDog #MedicalAlertServiceDog #MultiPurposeServiceDog #DogTraining #DogTrainer