@john.tagudin: FREE Software to Link your iPhone to your Windows PC like a pro. File transfers, messages, calls, and more! 🤯 forget google drive or cloud storage—intel unison lets you move files seamlessly between your iphone and pc. here’s how to set it up: - search for intel unison and download it on your pc (look for microsoft's link). - install the app on your iphone from the app store and pair via qr code. once connected, you can: - drag-and-drop files - access your phone’s gallery - check messages, receive calls, and notifications—all from your pc. ready to simplify your workflow? comment "intel" if you found this helpful! #TechTips #iPhoneHacks #WindowsPC #FileTransferMadeEasy #IntelUnison #ProductivityTools #TechSimplified #NoCloudNeeded #TechForCreators #FreeTechSolutions #software #johntagudin #creativetips #CreativeTools #microsoft @Microsoft