@callieknutrition: Once I realized my nervous system was dysregulated, I got to work… Here’s some of the stuff that helped me: ➡️ Curable ➡️ The Way Out by Alan Gordon ➡️ Therapy ➡️ Daily meditation This is still a work in progress, but I’m symptom-free 99% of the time after suffering from interstitial cystitis pain for over 2 decades. Nervous system dysregulation is actually the top root cause among my IC and OAB clients. This is why we place such a heavy emphasis on brain retraining in my Road To Remission (for IC) and OAB Freedom (for OAB) programs. Want to learn more about how these programs can help you get relief from IC or OAB? Head to the 🔗 in my bi0 #interstitialcystisis #ic #painfulbladdersyndrome #icwarrior #oab #overactivebladder #nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation