@maddiiedee: here’s a paragraph i made my ai write abt hazel eyes: Hazel eyes are a unique and captivating eye color that combines shades of brown and green, often with specks or rings of gold or amber. They are known for their ability to appear to change color based on the lighting, clothing, and even the person's mood. This chameleon-like quality makes hazel eyes particularly intriguing. Hazel eyes are less common than brown eyes but more prevalent than green or blue eyes, adding to their distinctiveness. The genetics behind hazel eyes are complex, involving multiple genes that influence the amount and distribution of melanin in the iris. This melanin variation results in the multi-colored appearance typical of hazel eyes. Interestingly, hazel eyes are more common in people of European descent but can be found in individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. The interplay of genetic factors means that hazel eyes can vary widely from person to person, with some appearing more green or brown depending on the specific melanin distribution. This diversity makes hazel eyes a truly unique and beautiful feature.