@caitregan: homemade healthy marshmallows are SO easy + yummy !!! ☁️ recipe from @Candice 🌞 Gut-healthy marshmallows recipe : * Ingredients : * 1 cup water (warm, divided) * ¼ cup gelatin powder * 1 cup honey (or maple syrup) * 2 tsp vanilla (for taste) Directions : * Pour ½ cup of warm water into a bowl. * Add the gelatin. Whisk slightly to incorporate and set aside. * Pour the other ½ cup of water and 1 cup of honey, and vanilla extract into a small saucepan and whisk to combine. * Slowly bring the water and honey mixture to a boil while stirring. If you have a kitchen thermometer, you want it to reach at least 240°F. Otherwise, just keep boiling, stirring constantly for 8 minutes. * Turn on mixer with water/gelatin mixture to medium speed and whisk while slowly pouring the honey/water mixture into the mixing bowl. * Then turn the mixer to high and whisk for another 10-15 minutes or until it forms soft peaks like the consistency of marshmallow cream. * Add to any tray and let cool for 2-3 hours in the fridge * (Optional) Dust with powdered sugar or cornstarch * Cut into squares and enjoy !