@thejennkelly: When one door 🚪 closes…. a new chapter begins today! #genxlife #over50club #takeachanceonyourself #nextchapter #onlineincomeopportunities #genxincome
Lady, your story sounds like mine right now. Thank you for sharing ❤️
2025-01-08 01:37:17
Christy Elias-Thomas :
I got put on a pip too for speaking up about something too , an it was the best thing ever my baby was 6months old and I got to be home with her !
2025-01-08 20:24:01
jenniferpappa908 :
I was let go of my last job with no pip in place. I absolutely hate my new job and manager and I do not get along so every day I'm wondering when I'm going to get let go. Been pretty terrible
2025-03-04 21:53:49
lili4 :
Happened to me after 15 years. Work reduction was the reason. Best thing that ever happen. I retired. Loving my new life.
2025-01-08 00:47:07
Theresa l GenX Edition :
Hi Jenn, should I say “I’m sorry” or “ congratulations “?! Even in your video, the relief is
2025-01-08 03:29:42
sarahsmith48645 :
a pip is just them documenting you for an exit
2025-01-08 14:03:53
Hisdiamond Jeremiah :
Yes I agree. They put me on a pip too and it has been pure hell. I just took a fmla wave due to panic attacks and stress. I’m looking for another job and had an interview today I’m so hopeful
2025-01-08 05:32:34
meanied71 :
I am currently in a similar boat passed the first pip. Things seemed to be going well but im now on a write up and waiting for the other shoe to drop i know it’s coming
2025-01-07 23:45:15
Steven Allen :
More to follow, thanks Trump
2025-02-28 03:34:46
Nova :
If you’re places on a PIP plan, start looking for a new job IMMMEDIATELY! In most cases (not all), you’ll be terminated in 30-60 days. I base this on 44 years of experience. Seen it all!
2025-01-08 19:35:07
FadilaB :
Same happened to me but I quit before they could fire me
2025-01-08 11:52:18
sbrown_440 :
Happened to me too….Im 58 and was let go in October. Finally found a new position recently. Was it my age? I also believe things happen for a reason. I’m excited for my new chapter also…no more head sores, neck pain, headaches, etc! You’ve got this girl!! I’ll be on the journey with you!!
2025-01-08 22:49:44
tinahudson996 :
How can I get involved. Same situation
2025-01-08 14:37:45
Mindy Parker :
I just went through this about 3 months ago
2025-01-08 04:21:12
Perry J :
🙏🙏🙏 I clearly understand. God always has a plan 🙏🙏🙏
2025-01-08 03:34:21
Luann Carrillo :
I've been suffering for 5 years.. anxiety, bad coworkers.. if termed, at least we can get compensated with unemployment..
2025-01-08 22:22:02
Lou | The Online Island :
Ahhh Jen, this sucks but sounds like such a blessing at the same time! 2025 is going to be great!
2025-01-08 04:35:04
Kathy :
Same scenario for me! Now trying to become an entrepreneur. Best of luck you got this!
2025-01-08 04:52:45
Amber Carter :
Oh hey Jenn!
2025-01-08 00:06:10
Janny :
I had 29 years….a manager I never met called me and let me go. A stranger handed me a package. 15 years later I survived.
2025-01-08 01:50:08
user6537572575888 :
Good Luck!!
2025-01-07 23:35:21
NubianAries21 :
The fact that you cared shows you were not the problem. Better opportunities ahead🥰🥰🥰
2025-01-08 03:31:37
user4154602338535 :
Yes, I agree!
2025-01-08 06:20:53
Sheilia George :
I'm same just waiting to get fired, pure hell
2025-01-08 16:13:28
Sheri Nanson :
2025-01-08 01:58:47
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