@mixalisbechlivanis: I really want to thank @tormek_sharpening for giving me the chance to try their sharpening system! I got to admit that I didn't expect such great results.... sharpening is super easy with the jigs that are provided and definitely not a boring chor now!!! #tormek #tormek_sharpening #sharpening #howtosharpenpencils #howtosharpenachisel #sharpening_video #sharpening_woodcarving_tools #razor_sharp #woodcarving_tools #woodcarving #sharpening_jigs #howtosharpenwoodcarvingtools #ακονισμα #ακονισμα_εργαλειων #ακονισμα_σκαρπελου #τροχισμα #τροχος_ακονισματος #τροχος_λειανσης #εργαλεια_ξυλογλυπτικης Music: Alison Musician: Jason Shaw URL: https://audionautix.com Music: Temperatures Rising Musician: Lovefine URL: https://icons8.com/music