@tdchick: how do you handle seeing your abuser? mine is so lucky that I'm too classy to make a scene. #dv #dvsurvivor #dvawareness #psychologicalabuse #emotionalabusesurvivor #ptsd #cptsd #trauma #dvawareness #functionalneurologicaldisorder #fndawareness #fndwarrior #fnd
I need to know more about the ex, does he know what he has done to you?
2025-01-09 09:47:58
Laura :
i ignore him😏
2025-01-09 07:04:00
🐝 :
You never owe anyone an explanation. I’m so proud of you for surviving, much love to you. I have PNES, form of FND, and can deeply empathize. Life isn’t fair. I hope there’s more kindness for us.
2025-01-09 03:26:51
Katie :
I was paralyzed from FND and couldn't walk for years. never met anyone else with it
2025-01-09 04:52:23
Decor8yourlife :
You should see about filling a lawsuit against him.
2025-01-09 04:51:14
familialhtsurvivor :
💜 you just said it. With class, too.
2025-01-09 04:51:00
tiffytiff32 :
That sounds like it happened to me narcissistic abuse that just changes in your brain. I wonder if Fibromyalgia I never knew being in a bad relationship can affect physical well-being and your brain.
2025-01-09 04:24:24
Gardens by Rachel :
Hugs ❤️❤️❤️Your beautiful ❤️stay strong❤️
2025-01-09 03:45:06
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