@thenewsmovement: Hollie Barror is a 28-year-old woman from Ireland who has been battling endometriosis since the age of 11—this long journey to a diagnosis led to Hollie needing a stoma bag to survive. A stoma bag is a small pouch used to collect waste from the body. Initially dismissed as “normal,” her debilitating symptoms were managed with painkillers and contraceptives. It took Hollie over 12 years to receive an official diagnosis. Now, she advocates for endometriosis awareness on her platform @holandstace. In this week’s episode of ‘How to Sound Smarter Than Your Date,’ we explore this misunderstood and often misdiagnosed condition. Head to the link in our bio to watch this episode of the YouTube series. #gynaecology,#endometriosis, #womenshealth #stomabag