@donnie.jackson: Pronunciation Challenge 🇺🇲🇬🇧 Words starting with the letter 'M' ⭐️ Can you pronounce these words correctly 🤔 Duet this 🗣 #englishpronunciation #englishvocabulary #advancedenglish Myriad: Countless or innumerable. The night sky was lit by myriad stars. Machination: A crafty scheme or plot. The villain's machinations were quickly uncovered. Meliorism: The belief that the world can improve through effort. Her meliorism inspired her to volunteer every weekend. Misanthropic: Disliking or avoiding people. His misanthropic nature kept him isolated. Maniacal: Extremely wild or obsessive. He let out a maniacal laugh as the plan succeeded. Machiavellian: Cunning and deceitful, especially in politics. His Machiavellian tactics earned him many enemies. Magniloquent: Speaking in a lofty, grandiose manner. The politician’s magniloquent speech impressed the crowd. Minutiae: Small, trivial details. He spent hours discussing the minutiae of the contract. Meretricious: Superficially attractive but lacking value. The jewelry looked expensive but was meretricious junk.