@global_truth_food_truck: We are one of the leading food trailer manufacturers , with more than 10 years OEM/ODM manufacturing experience. We can provide a full range of high-end customized Food trailer services. Please feel free to Message us or click the link on our bio to chat with us for purchase or OEM assistance. Shipping Worldwide 🚛 ✔️Prices slightly negotiable #Foodtruck #Mobilecuisine #Streetfood #Foodonwheels #Culinaryvehicle #Gourmetfoodtruck #Specialtyfoodtruck #Desserttruck #BBQtruck #Tacotruck #Icecreamtruck #Coffeetruck #Sandwichtruck #Seafoodtruck #vegetariantruck #Foodtrucksnearme #FoodtruckGermany