he was the best leader at midrock investment group .
2025-01-23 05:27:10
mesfin :
nigerachew le school of medicine
2025-01-23 05:30:56
Baba :
I practically face the same, a boss of my boss after refused his order said a proverb "a dog doesn't know a boss of his boss "
2025-01-23 15:46:03
Zeki 19 :
This was my challenge when i joined Cbe
2025-01-23 17:37:14
Yilma Woubishet :
line manager vs functional manager.
2025-01-23 03:58:51
Gutu Dalu (MD) :
Henri Fayol identified 14 principles of management including the two raised points here i.e. span of control and Unity of command.
These include:Division of work, Authority and responsibility,...etc!