Sometimes cops will do this to either wake up or keep up to date on how to handle a car out of control I did this (not a cop) got pulled over and explained and the cops were like oh yea we do that
2025-01-24 03:50:32
code_blue_indiana :
My dad got caught doing this in the ambulance one year
2025-01-23 21:58:59
Breezy! • Tech :
Y’all Mfs will do anything but let people have fun💔🙏
2025-01-24 04:14:54
Vegas :
best way to learn how to control a vehicle in the snow is find a empty parking lot and swing that bitch
2025-01-24 14:50:36
Damnit Dave 77 :
Not a damn thing wrong with that. Every vehicle handles snow differently. Weight, size, tires all come into play. I used to routinely do this every snowfall to reacquaint myself with the handling.
2025-01-25 13:36:10
Rikardo Kbrera :
Me playing GTAV
2025-01-23 17:39:04
Gregory Allan :
They do this to know how the car handles in the snow. Especially if you’re in a place that doesn’t normally get snow. I practice driving in the snow in empty lots as well.
2025-01-23 03:34:54
Dabadabadoobie 🪳 :
I’ve been pulled over by cops while I was doing donuts in the parking lot. They said I was fine as long as stayed in the parking lot to practice
2025-01-23 22:35:11
Irvin Gonzalez :
I did that a couple years ago. We go through special rain and snow driving training and I wanted to see if it felt exactly as it did during the simulated snow in the academy...
2025-01-23 14:16:53
Chadillac :
This needs that audio it’s cool when they do it. It’s a problem when I do it. Lol
2025-01-23 22:26:37
Carter Terry :
My best freind is fhp in Destin they had all the cops drive around a snowy parking lot before there shift he sent me a vid of a one of the r/t challengers doing donuts around a pole
2025-01-23 17:05:08
Adam Dimaggio :
that's how I learned how to drive in the snow.. open parking lots .. people think I'm crazy how I drive in the snow but it's about knowing how and the right tires
2025-01-24 13:47:47
Sleepyy2.0 :
commenting for updates!!!!!
2025-01-23 22:36:32
Danny Aguilar 16 :
I swung it too hard today in south Florida (just cold rainy and windy) and I went sideways onto a curb on the highway
2025-01-24 02:08:10
Mike Bell :
This time I got to go with the cops and if you asked me if I were said this, i'm gonna say you lied lol but you do have to go out and practice in this stuff to know how to do it when you need to.
2025-01-23 02:25:18
Dantè Negròn :
I work security and did this in a parking lot. It was perfect to practice vehicle control from a slip or slide. I practice controlled hydroplane on rainy days. Not on the main road.
2025-01-24 09:48:39
Fartknocker :
That bitch is four-wheel-drive. Nice!!
2025-01-24 12:43:01
linda :
2025-01-24 01:22:02
ryuji- :
I did this my first year driving in the empty high school parking lot over christmas break to learn how my car handled in snow and ice and how to recover if I spun out. Saved me this year
2025-01-24 19:20:09
mikeriley0420 :
Uh oh
2025-01-23 18:17:37
lazy azzez
2025-01-24 01:35:39
Bob Newhart :
everyone has done this many times in their own car. These cars don't usually make it their whole expected lifetime anyways. And this won't really affect it, slick roads equal zero wear.
2025-01-23 16:00:53
aitstarswe :
zhe trsting. the vehiclet on icy roadsy ang experienze the handlingss ( It's cold out there) .
2025-01-24 12:06:39
ChrisFromDallas :
2025-01-24 12:50:42
Tmessi12345 :
Oh no!
2025-01-24 19:51:05
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