@theturmerictimes: I will scream it from the mountain tops forever… WE ARE ALL ARTISTS In my artist opinion, each of our unique human experiences plays a direct role in our art. How we show up is art. How we move is art. They way we store our experiences, process emotion, and treat one another… all art. This whole concept of existing and the millions of ways to do that is your personal artistic lens to draw inspiration from. It’s so much fun and becomes quite addicting to throw things to the wall and see what sticks. In other words, live and create authentically because of how it feels to do so knowing it came from your POV which owes no sense to anyone but you. You are the most fascinating person to explore and create art through. Let this remind you of your art being worthy of taking up space. 10/10 times artists do not know what they are doing but they do it with the simple knowing that its coming from some place from within that is meaningful to them, and that alone is enough. Be bold, be you. This world needs your art.