@karlacruzbeauty: I can’t talk but yesterday I could still smell so I thought I could at least go through some samples today but NO! You know it’s game over when you can’t smell @AMOUAGE Guidance, @Maison Crivelli Hibiscus Mahajad and Rosendo Mateu 5. Now I’m FULLY out! Anyways if you wanna try some samples you can use code KARLA19 at @Twisted Lily to save💖 smell some nice things for me🥺😔 #fragrance #fragrances #twistedlily #twistedlily360 #twistedlilypartner #amouageguidance #amouage #maisoncrivelli #hibiscusmahajad #rosendomateu #rosendomateuno5 #nichefragrance #nicheperfume #perfumes #perfumetiktok #perfumetok #fragrancetiktok #fragrancetok