@zahoor_1988: #العتبه_الكاظميه #العراق_بغداد #وفاه #الامام_موسى_الكاظم_عليه_السلام

Open In TikTok:
Region: BH
Friday 24 January 2025 12:56:21 GMT




ghadeer_bahzad :
الهم بحق موسي بن جعفر فرج عن المؤمنين في سجون الظالمين
2025-01-24 21:36:45
وردة النرجس 🇸🇦 :
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد
2025-01-25 13:08:51
king👑🇮🇶🙏🇩🇪 :
السلام عليك ياموسى ابن جعفر
2025-01-27 13:19:09
M :
ياموسى الكاظم دخيلك
2025-01-26 00:33:46
حسام :
اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد الطيبين الطاهرين وعجل فرجهم ياكريم
2025-01-26 22:31:23
النسر الذهبي :
عظم الله أجركم
2025-01-25 22:30:50
عياد السالم 🇰🇼 :
باب الحوائج لايرد سائلا مظلوم مهموم مكسور هنا جبر الخواطر عند ابو طلبة
2025-01-26 21:57:48
Mohammed Yusef :
السلام عليك ياسيدي ويامولاي ياموسى بن جعفر
2025-01-25 21:52:52
. :
الهم صلي على محمد وال محمد
2025-01-24 21:25:13
قاسم سنه :
مولاي ما زرتك 🥺🥺
2025-01-26 18:37:50
Nawal :
عظم الله اجوركم 😭😭😭😭😭
2025-01-25 17:45:04
isam hasan :
عظم الله اجورنا واجوركم بشهادة الامام موسى بن جعفر الكاظم عليه السلام
2025-01-26 16:27:35
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Se qualcuno sperava in un fuoriprogramma, beh, Kanye West e Bianca Censori non hanno deluso le aspettative. Alla Crypto.com Arena di Los Angeles sono andati in scena i Grammy Awards 2025, i premi che incoronano i migliori artisti musicali del 2024. Ma tra i tantissimi protagonisti che hanno sfilato sul red carpet, ad attirare sicuramente l’attenzione di tutti è stata proprio la coppia. Per i loro outfit audaci? Non proprio, perché di look qui c’è poco da descrivere. Kanye in total black, Bianca avvolta in un lungo cappotto. I due si sono messi in posa davanti ai fotografi, prima del colpo di scena. Bianca, infatti, si è spogliata del cappotto, svelando un mini abito trasparente che lasciava ben poco spazio all’immaginazione. L’intento, secondo fonti citate da PageSix, era quello di ricreare la copertina del nuovo album di Kanye, Vultures 1. Missione compiuta, anche se la coppia è stata vista lasciare la location subito dopo. Ed è qui che emergono diverse ricostruzioni: pare infatti che Ye e Bianca siano stati allontanati dalla polizia. Ma soprattutto, secondo alcuni, i due non sarebbero stati nemmeno invitati all’evento, nonostante una candidatura per Kanye. ————————— If someone was hoping for a twist, @ye and @bianca.censori have not disappointed expectations. L.A. hosted the Grammy Awards 2025, but among the many protagonists who have walked on the red carpet, to attract the attention of all was certainly the couple. For their outfits? Not really, because there’s not much to describe about looks here. Kanye in total black, Bianca wrapped up in a long coat. The two posed in front of the photographers, before the twist. Bianca, in fact, took off her coat, revealing a transparent mini dress that left little room for imagination. The intent, according to sources cited by PageSix, was to recreate the cover of the recent album of Kanye, Vultures 1. Mission accomplished, although the couple was seen leaving the location soon after. And it is here that several reconstructions emerge: in fact, it seems that Ye and Bianca have been removed by the police. But above all, the two would not even be invited to the event. [📸 IPA 📹 BACKGRID] #whoopsee
Se qualcuno sperava in un fuoriprogramma, beh, Kanye West e Bianca Censori non hanno deluso le aspettative. Alla Crypto.com Arena di Los Angeles sono andati in scena i Grammy Awards 2025, i premi che incoronano i migliori artisti musicali del 2024. Ma tra i tantissimi protagonisti che hanno sfilato sul red carpet, ad attirare sicuramente l’attenzione di tutti è stata proprio la coppia. Per i loro outfit audaci? Non proprio, perché di look qui c’è poco da descrivere. Kanye in total black, Bianca avvolta in un lungo cappotto. I due si sono messi in posa davanti ai fotografi, prima del colpo di scena. Bianca, infatti, si è spogliata del cappotto, svelando un mini abito trasparente che lasciava ben poco spazio all’immaginazione. L’intento, secondo fonti citate da PageSix, era quello di ricreare la copertina del nuovo album di Kanye, Vultures 1. Missione compiuta, anche se la coppia è stata vista lasciare la location subito dopo. Ed è qui che emergono diverse ricostruzioni: pare infatti che Ye e Bianca siano stati allontanati dalla polizia. Ma soprattutto, secondo alcuni, i due non sarebbero stati nemmeno invitati all’evento, nonostante una candidatura per Kanye. ————————— If someone was hoping for a twist, @ye and @bianca.censori have not disappointed expectations. L.A. hosted the Grammy Awards 2025, but among the many protagonists who have walked on the red carpet, to attract the attention of all was certainly the couple. For their outfits? Not really, because there’s not much to describe about looks here. Kanye in total black, Bianca wrapped up in a long coat. The two posed in front of the photographers, before the twist. Bianca, in fact, took off her coat, revealing a transparent mini dress that left little room for imagination. The intent, according to sources cited by PageSix, was to recreate the cover of the recent album of Kanye, Vultures 1. Mission accomplished, although the couple was seen leaving the location soon after. And it is here that several reconstructions emerge: in fact, it seems that Ye and Bianca have been removed by the police. But above all, the two would not even be invited to the event. [📸 IPA 📹 BACKGRID] #whoopsee
