@eventhorizonresea: "In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." This quote is often attributed to George Orwell; however, there is no evidence he ever said or wrote this saying. That being said, knowing the truth does not have to diminish the impact of the words, so we say to whoever penned this quote: thank you, and we agree. #TruthIsRevolutionary #SpeakTheTruth #UniversalDeceit #GeorgeOrwell #InspirationalQuotes #WordsOfWisdom #FactCheck #KnowTheTruth #Honesty #RevolutionaryAct #MisattributedQuotes #ThoughtProvoking #TruthMatters #StayInformed #TruthSeeker #Inspiration #Motivation #QuoteOfTheDay #ThankYou #Agree #TellingTheTruth #Integrity #CriticalThinking #SpreadTheTruth #Awareness