@yayasan.musik.amadeus: "How Great Thou Art" was originally a Swedish hymn titled "O Store Gud", written in 1885 by Swedish poet and pastor Carl Gustav Boberg. The hymn was inspired when Boberg experienced a sudden storm followed by a serene calm during a walk along the coast of Sweden, leading him to reflect on God's power and majesty in nature. You can listen to the full version on our YouTube channel, Spotify, & Apple Music on the “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” album! Links in our profile 😉 #amightyfortressisourgod #howgreatthouart #amadeussymphonyorchestra #hymn #hymnsconcert #himne #lagurohani #kristen #christian #orchestra #symphonyorchestra #paduansuara #choir #aulasimfoniajakarta #ymamadeusina #jakarta #indonesia