@deltabolic: Gym Outfit from @AYBL - use code “DELTA” for 10% off. Link in bio. ✅ The PERFECT Rear Delt Fly Form 1) Bend Forward Appropriately Lean forward to at least a 90-degree angle from vertical, or even slightly more. Avoid standing too upright, as this shifts tension away from the rear delts. 2) Choose the Right Grip Use a pronated grip (palms facing backward) instead of a neutral grip (palms facing each other). This better isolates the rear delts. 3) Protract Your Shoulder Blades Keep your shoulder blades protracted (spread apart) to minimize trap activation. Focus on maintaining this position throughout the movement to keep the rear delts engaged. 4) Depress Your Shoulders Actively depress your shoulders (pull them down) to further reduce trap involvement and ensure the rear delts do the work. By following these tips, you'll maximize tension on your rear delts. #beaybl #ayblathlete #aybl #reardeltfly #reardelts