I understand where u guys are coming from yes a part of his body is over the line but the tip of the ball never went directly over the line that was the correct call it’s hard to tell where the ball is but it isn’t over the line just because his body is over it
2025-01-27 05:50:38
NBA_NFL.Prodz0 :
You are saying Allen in doesn’t matter about Allen it matters about if the ball did
2025-01-27 13:11:04
Caiden McKenzie :
to me it looked like he had his back fully turned so it’s hard to tell where the ball really was
2025-01-27 06:37:26
Vesh89 :
Your guys don’t know ball it’s not the fact that he crossed the line mid play it matters where the ball ends up when the plays called died the first down is not the goal line its doesn’t stop play
2025-01-27 16:02:10
Vegas Mafia 🎲 :
The play before this should have been the 1st down
2025-01-27 09:26:35
RockChalkJayhawk :
You can’t see the ball so it’s inconclusive. You can only speculate where the ball is, but can’t actually see it cross that line because Chris Jones is in the way.
2025-01-27 05:44:57
Steven Morriss :
The issue is that it has to be irrefutable evidence. When the ball may have crossed the line, it was out of view and couldnt be seen.
2025-01-27 18:29:55
Bloosier :
Chris Jones lined up at least 1 ft offsides and blew the play up. It wasn’t even close
2025-01-27 21:58:08
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