@clare_twicelightz: VOID TAXES ARE PAID IN FULL🐈⬛🖤 (if you’re ever going to get a cat i strongly suggest rescue a void from a shelter, they have the lowest adoption rates all because of the colour of their fur and superstition, they’re the greatest little babies and to experience true joy is to have one, they will become your shadow🐈⬛✨) . . . . . . . . . . . . #cat #cats #catsoftiktok #blackcat #blackcats #blackcatsaregoodluck #Love #adorable #aww #cute #baby #furbaby #family #catparents #catmom #catlady #catlover #funny #relatable #catproblems #void #voidcat #teefs #meow #rant #boba #eyes #happy #blessed #snack #food #caught #caughtoncamera #tabbycat #drama #tabbycat #tortie #tortiecat #adoptdontshop