@nialui21: There were quite a few moments that I thought I would never find someone who would be willing and able to love and accept my son as his own. But I realized if I had any hope of finding my partner I would need to get out of my own way. What I mean by that is I had to stop blaming anyone else, I had to intentionally get out of the victim mindset and take back my power. I worked hard to provide for my son and I. I worked on myself and was brutally honest with what I needed to fix and change. I knew I had to hold myself to the same standards that I wanted in a partner. And just like that, I met my husband. Through a dating app of all places. And now we’ve been married for almost 5 years. He has adopted my son. We had two more kids. And we were sealed in the temple for time and all eternity. God’s plan is always better than ours. Even if it is not at all what you had imagined for your life. I wouldn’t change a thing. #singlemom #formersinglemom #momof3 #sahm #godsplan #trusttheprocess #singlemotherhood #sealedinthetemple #lds #prolds #marriedlife #familyof5 #blessed #marriedwithkids #marriagegoals #husbandgoals #husbandwife #tonganhusband