@zohariel7: "I was edified by his (i.e. Evola’s) insight into the meaning of the crusades as failure. In the eyes of the majority of course failure is bad but it all depends on what counts as failure – or as success. Why should a cause necessarily be invalidated by the end results, conceived on the earthly, materialistic plane alone? Pious [...] Muslims would never say that Husseyn’s defeat at the battle of Karbala meant that the Imam’s noble side was not just and righteous. Brute force won at Karbala, not true justice. The experience of bitter martyrdom purified and inspired the followers of [Husseyn Ibn] Ali for all time to come. Their triumph was in their defeat. Even the historical victors come close to admitting something similar. If England and America had been defeated militarily in WWI, would the fans of democracy concede that the Axis had been right? Of course not. Therefore military success cannot be the ultimate proof of the intrinsic value of a cause. To me that seems to validate Evola’s point." —— Frank Gelli
I did not understand what you mean. Do you mean that Hussein bin Ali died rightly, and of course he died defending the homeland and the Islamic religion, or do you mean that he died wrongfullyلو غير
2025-02-27 11:30:22
علي📚✏️🤫 :
يا حبيبي يا حسين
2025-01-30 05:23:57
قتلوك فأرادوا بقتلك ان يُفنى ذكرك ففنى ذكرهم واصبحت سيد الشهداء 💔
2025-02-06 20:47:10
fffff :
شلون عرفت صورتهم سلام الله عليهم
2025-02-06 09:03:08
qusay.alsodani :
السلام عليكم يا اهل بيت النبوة
2025-02-05 13:44:56
المصمم حمودي ابن الحله :
صور حقيقة لاهل البيت عليهم السلام
2025-02-18 22:43:39
Sultan Sultan :
وين تلكون ذني الصور ❤️
2025-02-18 16:33:56
ফেরত দিন কা আমি মনে করি হয়েছেঅ্ফে দিন কারণ আমি মনে করি হয়েছেঅ্ফেরত هاذ وجه أحمد شرع 🤣
2025-02-06 11:03:01
user5368581034569 :
السلام عليك يا ابا عبد الله الحسين..
طبتم وطابت الأرض التي فيها دفنتم
2025-02-05 14:13:10
ماجد سعيد 🩵 :
السلام على البطل الشجاع الامام الحسين عليه السلام
2025-02-06 12:42:53
gjhvhfgjj :
انظروا الى ما حدث ويحدث الان من ظلم في العالم كله بسبب البشر