@tcburkej: Without DEI policies the best candidate won’t be hired. If this country was a meritocracy black women would be running everything. Black women are the most educated group of people in this country, they are the most hardworking, they are the most professional, most demure and if we were really a meritocracy they would be running everything. Black women have dealt with discrimination and people stealing credit from their work because they are so competent in the work place. They are the most valuable members of our society
Age 30, Masters, 2 Bachelors, Certificates, taught myself 7 languages 💅🏾
2025-01-31 06:05:13
Puddlezboy Bebop :
I have my degree in Astrophysics. No employment.
2025-01-31 00:28:19
Lidya :
Working on my masters. 4.0 gpa. Honors after honors; certification after certification blah blah blah…I have to start my own business
2025-02-15 09:23:39
Andrea E :
Me making SIX FIGURES in Tech w/ TWO degrees & still being told my performance was not up to par with my “other” counterparts who were literally doing less work w/ less experience than me 🤷🏽♀️
2025-01-30 20:57:58
Niles Morrison226 :
2025-01-30 16:24:04
Dr. Jasmine LMSW :
Me 27 with a doctorate & license CONSTANTLY being patronized 🙄
2025-01-30 19:19:06
Shay Shay💜💜 :
me: I work in HR
then: are you an administrative assistant
me: I'm the Director
them: oh really?
2025-01-30 22:13:04
The__phoenix77 :
We appreciate you for noticing!
2025-01-30 15:04:44
Lena😘 :
I have a BAS,MS, JM and start law school in August!
2025-02-22 17:29:44
LP16839 :
Thankyou. Suppressed and overlooked
2025-01-30 16:43:14
🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 they aren’t ready for this conversation
2025-01-30 13:39:29
Jholé :
I’m on season 10 of this video.
2025-01-30 17:12:11
Just B :
I’m a psychiatric nurse, when I say I work in health care “people” ask if I’m a CNA 😑🙄
2025-01-30 20:30:42
themagicaljasmine :
I’m licensed to practice law in two states and people think I’m the intern lol
2025-01-30 23:45:45
Olivia :
I wish I could like this 500 times
2025-01-30 16:15:36
Nancy :
I think it’s because a lot of our parents told us we had to be twice as good/competent in order to be treated the same as other ppl. I know my dad told me that often.
2025-01-30 14:56:30
Maybe L :
Me... With a BS in Biology, a Master's in Ecological Biology and PhD in Microbiology.
2025-01-30 22:10:05
LeeAnn Stephens :
Facts! I have two Bachelors degrees, one Masters degree and one Doctorate.
2025-01-31 00:31:03
Maisie and Higgs :
Hands down 100%.
2025-01-30 13:16:43
Atty. Hemans Immigration :
me a whole lawyer with 4 degrees aho had to start my own law firm because I was sick of being overworked and paid less.
2025-01-31 11:02:59
Shawn Daniel627 :
My mom told me that I would have to be THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE ROOM just to get a seat at the table. I have a doctorate and I’ve studied education from EC-University level & still denied positions
2025-01-30 17:06:49
Shiba Inu_Hinata :
I have an MBA. I was working under a manager with no degree. She constantly tried to get me to do her work. My former pm wanted me to balance their books on a Walmart salary. I sued and we settled.
2025-01-30 15:23:24
Loclady187 :
The current administration shows us why we needed to create DEI.... because they are not hiring the most qualified they are hiring people who are not qualified for positions just because
2025-01-30 17:15:47
Kizzie Kirkpatrick :
THIS! If we ran everything, we would still run it in a way that everyone had a seat at the table! This is just who we are!
2025-01-31 00:20:40
monisimon173 :
That's why a lot of what's going on in politics is happening.. They know. see J Crockett vs L Boebert/M Greene.
2025-01-30 13:36:07
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