@fitfoodieselma: Healthy Snack Idea: High-protein Chocolate Yogurt Bowl😋 For more healthy recipes check out my recipe Ebooks, the link is in my profile or just go to fitfoodieselma.com 🥰 • for one serving: 1/2 cup high-protein Greek yogurt (120 ml / 125g) 1/2 tablespoon unsweetened cacao powder 2 tablespoons (vegan) chocolate protein powder optional: 1 teaspoon maple syrup or liquid sweetener of choice • toppings: 1 piece 80% dark chocolate, melted crushed nuts of choice berries • 1. Mix all the ingredients together 2. Top it with the melted dark chocolate, crushed nuts and berries 3. Let set in the fridge for 10 minutes 4. Enjoy! • • • #healthysnack #healthysnackidea #easysnack #highprotein