@rapidregeneration: A commitment of something on your future calendar is one of the great hacks to force you to perform at a higher level and become a more evolved version of yourself. Texas Fruit Festival is one of those things. This September 26-28, 2025. Tickets available now. #fruitfestival #rawveganfestival #rawvegan #texasfruitfestival
gotta invest in community! dinner parties, house warmings, road trips, graduations, etc.
2025-01-31 12:19:44
Jackson james :
This is low key brilliant for boosting a sense of self/reality. I always feel the most disillusioned when I have nothing going on in the calendar
2025-01-31 03:34:55
Almighty Zion :
This is playing the game
2025-01-31 13:20:16
L :
This is why I’ve been so depressed
2025-01-31 07:54:24
Jules :
Even if you are tight on money, things like planning exciting recipes or setting a time aside in your day to do a workout routine. Have a friend over for drinks and watch a show!
2025-02-01 16:41:29
I agree completely. We’ve started using a hard calendar again and planning our months using it. So fun and we actually do everything on it!
2025-03-24 03:59:29
Rachel 🍸 :
I love a little something to look forward to
2025-01-31 04:55:19
Catalina Vanessa, MS :
This. Get involved in your community
2025-02-01 00:23:43
creeisaacson :
It's sad because instead of looking forward to something like a normal person it fills me with stress and anxiety leading up to the event even if it's supposed to be something fun.
2025-01-31 11:49:15
Lauren831231 :
Just booked out some Pilates classes. Knowing I have those commitments planned has been great for my mental health
2025-01-31 14:09:32
Skippy :
Any calenders you would recommend? I’ve been looking on Amazon but none are big
2025-02-02 19:55:41
Reema 🦄 :
I started doing this & it changed my life. I have a vacation planned next month so this month, I started working out. Every event I have planned, there’s a goal to work towards it
2025-02-01 02:24:36
Anodromedan :
Ive been in some functional freeze. It's been annoying me. This is an amazing reminder. Thank you.
2025-03-22 04:38:21
Iconic Games 🌟 :
Thats why I order things then I look forward to my delivery
2025-02-02 18:41:33
Terri. Elizabeth :
Like signing up for marathons for example.
2025-02-01 15:25:18
Elle :
Actually, I’ve been wanting to go to a Fruit Fest for 8 years now. I just didn’t wanna pay the huge cost for the one in NY.
2025-02-01 01:44:42
Rosie Redwood :
Thank you Dave! My mood is naturally low during winter so you motivated me to sign up and make an agenda for fall moving forward
2025-02-02 14:34:05
Vik :
I think you should speak at the festival
2025-03-17 04:31:45
llern_rn :
You lost me at the fruits part 😂
2025-02-01 16:42:54
Kittenhasclaws :
Yes!!! I love my dry erase board at the house – my volunteer meetings, city Council meetings, friends birthdays surgeries whatever there's a lot happening!
2025-02-01 17:23:08
candacenchatman :
Thank you i needed this
2025-02-01 22:40:48
JenJenn :
Facts. I stopped partying and started doing things that aligned with my future and where I’m going
2025-02-01 19:26:04
Sarah :
Me and my mom made this a goal last year. We made an effort to do something fun once a month and it was one of the best years ever. Highly recommend, especially if you tend to be a homebody.
2025-01-31 07:44:33
user7581965473660 :
Yep I’m graduating from my masters. I have a 10k coming up I need to train for. An internship I need to prep my skills for. My community garden I’m thinking ideas about that reopens in the spring.💖
2025-01-31 08:50:40
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