@tonififi: What I’m wearing to dinner in -10 degree Canadian weather. #TorontoLife #MakeItWinterButCute 😌💚🤎 If I can give you any shopping tip it’s to buy classic cuts in novelty fabrics. They will stand the test of time, add interest and swap with multiple looks during their lifespan. I’ve got wide legs in faux leather, velvet, corduroy and on and on. And style them over and over. Once the silhouette of the piece is classic they won’t fade with the trends. 🫶🏽 Comment SHOP below to receive a DM with the link to shop this post on my LTK ⬇ https://liketk.it/54kl8 Trousers older from @asos Coat @ganni #StyledByToni #StyleOver40