@lifeinthedenary: The kids choosing ketchup for their sandwiches is so incredibly chaotic. POV it’s a Sunday afternoon and the weather is nice and I don’t want to turn the oven on, so we are having sandwiches for lunch. Easy peesy. Do all of the kids want veggies? Yeah no. Do I force them to have at least one veggie? Yes. Sandwiches with a side of cheese it’s and some juice. Nothing fancy but they love it. And if you think this video was long, you should have been there, it took me 30 minutes to do all of this and an hour total for clean up 😂 #lunch #kidslunch #cookingforkids #10personfamily #largefamily #bigfamily #bigfamilycooking #largefamilylife #easysandwiches #cookingfor6kids #sundaylunch #familyvlog #bigfamilyvlog #fyp