my tiefling paladin, Briar, would just have the largest army of lesbian fans, and, being a lover of women, she'd 100% love it and play into some of the stuff said about her
2025-02-03 00:18:24
Eirwynn Volaran :
Our campaign had a book club who wrote a naughty book about our group called “Laying Hands” because the leader was a paladin. This book turned up in multiple other campaigns.
2025-02-03 01:02:18
LucklessLady :
This actually happened to my character in one campaign. I was playing the revived skeleton of a fallen hero whose ‘story’ had been told in novel form after their passing. They were shipped correctly -
2025-03-10 19:25:43
ani :
we actually made it canon in our adventure that, since our party were all important members of the revolution, people gossiped and wrote stuff about them in the newspaper and even sold books with some VERY mischaracterized stories about them
2025-03-08 13:14:43
TheDemonJester :
This made me think of how Vox machina reacted to finally being popular
2025-02-03 02:15:32
Lorbi :
my gm friend made world wher his pc are in some low lvl guild, so they achivments aint so great. You culd say they ate some kinde of drunk hobo heris. i had a chance to play as guest.
2025-02-04 23:08:04
dy1lcvwnuha3 :
we literaly have:
a goblin what was a rat that got turned into a hobgoblin by the god of madnes.
an child ending assasin elf
a vineyard owning canibal
and me... a cooking dwarf... yes im the sad one.
2025-02-03 00:25:31
kira :
I mean we have an elf merchant who accidentally owes money to her boss, a literal cat cleric who has been known to insta-kill with their weapon of choice : the boop stick, (1)
2025-02-04 17:57:41
Charley Kay Marie :
I love this idea 🤣 I play with a big group so there would be a bit of every fan base - especially the romance shippers 🤣🤣🤣
2025-02-04 16:10:15
Rachel Nash :
My Pengu Radient Sorcerer (homebrew) got all glowy in an attempt to convince a group her team was fighting that she was benevolent and didn't want to kill them in the hopes they would surrender.
2025-02-03 19:23:51
Ambessa'sNorthernHousewife🇨🇦 :
This kind of happened in my DnD game. my character was raised in a cult and put through a ritual to prepare her for the possibility of becoming the bride of the god of said cult 1.
2025-02-03 20:24:27
var shantail :
My haregon investigator is a old adventurer coming out of his third retirement, he is ment to represent the other side of adventurers the one that dident get famous that got hurt and lost everything
2025-02-03 19:18:51
Astrid :
OK but this would make for an interesting involuntary warlock storyline, like the warlock levels don't take away from the class the person wants to play as, as in a fighter who is forced to also
2025-02-03 17:12:47
degenerateprez :
Our group made a random stop on a journey to find some legendary items our resident warcrime wizard made cause he was bored, while there we found stained glass depictions of us throughout the city
2025-02-07 17:42:00
Pryo :
No cause I have a story with this as a semi-big part of it. There is government sponsored fan fiction of the heroes as a propaganda tool
2025-02-05 00:40:45
Luke McKay 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 :
Oh yes, as a DM, when a player does something cool, the bards sing about it. Some songs get really popular, and I have had players use that to their advantage many times. Like awarding inspiration
2025-02-03 12:33:05
Blip :
I wanna give my players an Ember Island Players type thing where it's a badly acted dramatized theater production of their exploits.
2025-02-03 09:49:06
Integra 🍉 :
My DND character was a general of the royal family and didn't know. He actually met someone whos dad served under him and she was trying not to go crazy. He praised her for her hard work and then (1
2025-02-03 17:22:50
Trip || They/Them :
We made the public cancel out dnd party due to propaganda 😔
2025-02-03 22:43:48
Percy📼🎭 :
A GM I know gives his players updates after every session of what the fandom thought of the "episode". The fictional fandom as favourite characters and ships and all
2025-02-03 00:40:51
Bear :
I'm playing with a party of one Leprechaun and a tiefling. This gave me the idea after getting notoriety, they would be describing the party members as big strong and menacing like Toph from Avatar...
2025-02-03 07:55:10
Are you lost Baby gorl :
Legit something that I want in a DND campaign I’ve never played dnd but like oh my God I want to I’ve been playing action role-play games for so long and I just know that dnd has so much more
2025-02-03 02:04:35
Grace :
one of my characters is in a 2014-pop-culture inspired urban fantasy setting so she’s a youtuber with a huge audience but also just adventures on the side. she did ad reads for adventuring stores
2025-02-04 05:05:15
Queer Feminist :
There is now fantasy anime that has the whole 'party streaming while conquering dungeons' thing but tbh I dunno if they will touch upon the fanbase topic or fanbase will be just NPC crowd for reasons.
2025-02-03 08:45:03
Kaitlin Hydration Nation :
my dnd party, I play a sorceress cleric that the party always forgets who is a cleric.
it's always overshadowed by pyromaniac tendencies. 🤣
but I feel that a fan base would try to do the opposite
2025-02-03 22:57:43
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