@blushingblacksheep: Sick and all this mama had a blast stepping out and watching her babies enjoy especially my birthday boy. 🙏🏽🩷blessed and beyond grateful. 🥹 I love staring at them , I know many mommy’s will understand. They grow up so fast. In a blink of an eye. I love seeing who they have become and still becoming yet I still see who they were. My WIDDLE BABIES!!! 🥹 I can’t ask God for more, other then to continue to walk with my children and may they never detour from him. In Jesus name. 🙏🏽🎀 happy birthday papi I love you so much!!!!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself with everyone you love and all who love you!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 thank you for being my angel ! 💙 #family #ohana #familynightout #birthdayboy #momof5 #myson