@veganerwandel: Loaded Potato Soup (🇬🇧🇩🇪 ⬇️) 🇬🇧 📝 Recipe for 4 servings 400 g potatoes, diced 1 onion 1 stalk of celery 2 tbsp flour 1 tbsp vegan butter 250 ml vegan cream 250 ml oat/soy milk 400 ml vegetable stock 1 handful of sprinkled cheese, vegan 1 level tsp each: salt, pepper, nutmeg, paprika Tofu: 400 g smoked tofu 1 tsp paprika powder 1 tbsp agave syrup Toppings: Spring onions chili flakes Preparation: 1. Dice the smoked tofu and sauté. Season with agave syrup and paprika powder and set aside 2. Sauté the onions and celery 3. Add the flour, butter and cream and bring everything to the boil while stirring 4. Add the potatoes and vegetable stock and simmer for 7 minutes 5. Stir in the sprinkled cheese and season. Enjoy with smoked tofu and other toppings 🇩🇪 📝 Rezept für 4 Portionen 400 g Kartoffeln, gewürfelt 1 Zwiebel 1 Stange Sellerie 2 EL Mehl 1 EL vegane Butter 250 ml vegane Sahne 250 ml Hafermilch 400 ml Gemüsebrühe 1 Hand voll Streukäse, vegan Je 1 gestrichenener TL: Salz, Pfeffer, Muskatnuss, Paprika Tofu: 400 g Räuchertofu 1 TL Paprikapulver 1 EL Agavendicksaft Toppings: Frühlingszwiebeln Chiliflocken Zubereitung: 1. Räuchertofu würfeln und andünsten. Mit Agavendicksaft und Paprikapulver würzen und beiseitestellen 2. Zwiebeln und Sellerie andünsten 3. Mehl, Butter, Sahne hinzufügen und alles unter Rühren aufkochen lassen 4. Kartoffeln und Gemüsebrühe hinzufügen und für 7 min köcheln lassen 5. Streukäse einrühren und würzen. Mit Räuchertofu und weiteren Toppings genießen #food #foodporn #potato #soup #tloadet #easy #Recipe #comfortfood
Region: PT
Monday 03 February 2025 18:27:44 GMT
georgyyakunin :
immediately lost me at tofu
2025-02-04 16:11:30
bobotehclown :
Toasted tofu = crispy bacon … now it’s a dish
2025-03-01 10:26:22
E_Azul79 :
Can I substitute the tofu for crispy pork belly?!
2025-02-04 23:18:55
Gabor Juhasz :
You have lost me by the tofu.
2025-02-05 21:40:52
jonny21110 :
A soup boiled is a soup spoiled
2025-02-03 22:23:53
panradim :
touch of paprika?!? this is a touch??
2025-02-05 16:40:26
veganer.wandel :
how do you like my voice over? 🫶🏼 I’m still getting used to it 🥲🙏🏼 hope you like it ❤️Kevin also tries to edit the videos slower ☺️
2025-02-03 18:29:36
UrosSs :
I shall skip tofu and rather have some nice chicken
2025-02-09 13:18:15
Jay :
What would be the equivalent recipe without the vegan stuff, I’m allergic
2025-02-06 06:24:40
Donegal.G_mac :
swap that tofu with Bacon and then I'd reckon that would be the best soup you've ever tasted 😊
2025-02-05 18:51:30
Vegan4Life :
Thank you! Totally made me want it. I ran to the market and bought the ingredients and tried it myself. Unfortunately, it didn’t come out like yours 😳. Maybe I will try it again
2025-02-28 10:12:10
purrsub :
immediately followed when i saw tofu
2025-02-05 22:20:38
Zalophus :
How do you keep that pot so clean??
2025-02-04 07:36:56
👀 :
Soooo much time…no ill order instead…
2025-02-05 20:41:28
Tossoa :
would of loved to been able to save it so I can watch later
2025-03-01 09:05:28
Thin Htwe ❤️💦✨ :
I wanna try like that🥰
2025-02-28 19:30:04
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