@christinescritters: Aurora on vet visit day on Monday. She is much feistier than Aquila and has A LOT to say to her doctor! Love the snorts after she stops yelling at the vet. Before anyone asks…the PPE worn by the vet and the tech is due to HPAI or “bird flu” rearing its ugly head again. HPAI is almost 100% fatal to raptors and other birds😞 As HPAI has made the jump to mammals, the PPE is to protect them and to protect the other clients and animals they will see after this visit. We do not wear PPE near our ambassadors, BUT we wear full PPE to admit any rehab patients or care for rehab patients still in quarantine for HPAI. Our goal is to protect ourselves AND all of our ambassadors from exposure to HPAI. Hope this outbreak ends soon. 🙏🤞🏻🙏#eagle #aurora #baldeagle #vetvisit #vetmed #lovemyjob #dayinthelife #lovethisgirl